The Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders- What happened to Denise Milner, Michelle Guse, and Lori Farmer at C

ABC News' latest documentary, Keeper of the Ashes: The Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders, is set to premiere on May 24, 2022, chronicling one of the most gruesome crimes to ever happen in the city of Oklahoma.

The four-part documentary will take a detailed look at the assault and murder of three young girls, Lori Lee Farmer, Michele Guse, and Doris Denise Miller.

The massively mysterious case has been extensively covered for a long period of time, especially since there wasn't a concrete suspect after prime accused Gene Leroy Hart of being acquitted of the crime when the jury found him not guilty.

Kristen Chenoweth will also feature in this documentary as she was one of the girls who was supposed to attend the camp but failed to do so that year.

Read on to find out about the infamous crime at Camp Scott Girl Scout camp in Oklahoma in the summer of 1977 ahead of Keeper of the Ashes: The Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders' release.

Who were Denise Milner, Michelle Guse, and Lori Farmer, and what happened to them?

Michelle, Denis, and Lori (Image via Milner, Guse, and Farmer family)

Though the case depicted in Keeper of the Ashes: The Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders is a popular one, many may not know what happened in the infamous camp.

On June 12, 1977, 140 young girls arrived at Camp Scott in Locust Grove, Oklahoma for a two-week stay. This included ten-year-old Denise Milner, nine-year-old Michelle Guse, and eight-year-old Lori Farmer. According to sources, the three girls did not know each other but were assigned the same tent at Camp Kiowa. The three girls' tent was reportedly the farthest away from the camp counselors.

On the first night, there was a thunderstorm and all the girls stayed inside the camp. Several counselors reported hearing moan-like sounds in the dead of the night, and one of them even went out to look for the source but found nothing.

The next morning, Carla Willhite, one of the counselors, reportedly found the lifeless bodies of the three children.

According to sources, all three of them were assaulted. It was discovered that Guse and Farmer were bludgeoned to death while Milner was strangled to death. Their tent was covered in blood and their bodies were packed inside their sleeping bags and left on the campground.

According to reports, ropes, a crowbar, duct tape, and a flashlight with a partial fingerprint were discovered near the bodies. Sometime before the event, a counselor's tent was ransacked. The perpetrator left a note behind saying:

"We are on a mission to kill three girls in tent one."

This was dismissed as a joke back then. Gene Leroy Hart, a prison escapee previously convicted of kidnapping and assaulting two pregnant women, was singled out as the prime suspect.

After a long and complicated manhunt, Hart was apprehended but was acquitted of all charges after the jury found him innocent.

He was still sent to prison for his earlier charges. He died in prison of a heart attack a short time later.

When will Keeper of the Ashes: The Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders drop on Hulu?

All four episodes of Keeper of the Ashes: The Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders will drop together on Hulu on May 24, 2022 at 3.00 am ET.

Stay tuned for more updates.

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