Tonight on TLC their popular reality show 90 Day Fiance; Happily Ever After? airs with an all-new Sunday, May 12, 2019 episode and we have your 90 Day Fiance recap below for you. On tonight’s 90 Day Fiance season 4 episode 4 “Mistrials of Marriage”, as per the TLC synopsis, “Larissa heads to trial; Elizabeth’s father pushes Andrei too far; Nicole’s family questions her plan to reunite with Azan; Chantel gets bad news about Pedro’s green card; Pao struggles to connect with Russ’ family; Ashley spends time with her ex.”
So make sure to tune in tonight between 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps and more, here!
Tonight’s 90 Day Fiance Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
Colt wasn’t right! He called the cops on his fiancé a mere four days before their wedding because she got upset when he told her that he wasn’t sure if he wanted to get married and, sure, maybe he thought she could do something and he made that call. Only Colt didn’t handle the situation properly once he did get the cops involved. He told them that she was threatening him and he allowed them to take her to jail. Larissa spent two days in jail and when she came out she had a fiancé that swore up and down he didn’t know why they arrested her. Colt lied to Larissa when he claimed he never made a complaint and he also let her sit in jail for two days. And then afterward when they got married, he continued to lie and play the victim.
Colt also had his mother’s help in this. Debbie may look like a sweet old lady, but she never wanted to let go of her grown-a** son. She loved him and shared bank accounts with him. Debbie would always have fought against another woman coming into her house and her relationship with Larissa was rocky from the start. Both women wanted to be the main priority in Colt’s life and they both failed to see that Colt mostly cares about Colt. Even his proposal to Larissa was more about him than her and he didn’t even care that Larissa was in real trouble with the law. He would tell his wife that he wouldn’t know what to do if she ever got deported and then he would tell his mother that marriage wasn’t really working because Larissa is the problem. She’s hotheaded and he’s a manipulator. And so no wonder their relationship is cracking under the pressure.
Then there was Paola and Russ. This couple has been through a lot and they seemed closer than ever now that are expecting their first child, but they kept hitting the roadblock that is his family. His parents took a long time to come around to Paola and she was upset by this. She never felt accepted and it put her off of living in Oklahoma entirely because she didn’t want to be where she felt she wasn’t wanted. She did, however, come back for her baby shower. Paola’s mother-in-law was throwing her a baby shower and everyone was hoping to use this event to mend the rift. Paola even said she wanted this and so why did she show up so late? She went to go do her nails for the big day and her appointment must have been at the same time as the shower itself.
Paola was hours behind. Her husband called her just to make sure she was still coming because people were beginning to wonder and she was just too blasé about it. She must have known her in-laws and what her impression with her showing up late would give. Paola may claim that she never meant to be late and the truth in the episode. She didn’t want to be there and she dragged her feet because she knew the slightest comment from them would mean she could go back home to Miami. Paola was pushing back against her husband’s family when she didn’t have to and she wasn’t the only one overreacting. Elizabeth was also picking a fight and she wasn’t in that great of position to argue with her father.
Elizabeth’s father has been a little standoffish since the gender reveal party. It turns out Elizabeth’s husband Andrei had been the one to pull the man aside and basically told him that he was going to be taking care of his family from now on. It was both slightly rude and unrealistic. Andrei doesn’t have a job and he was living in the man’s house for free. Elizabeth thought Andrei would at least take care of the property and he wasn’t. The grass was unkempt and there were little things around the house that needed fixing. Andrei wasn’t taking care of it, no one knows if he was looking for a job, and he and Elizabeth were about to have their first birthday. Now wasn’t the time to be making pronouncements on her dad could do or say. It also didn’t reassure the father because he still questions if Andrei came for the visit and got Elizabeth pregnant on purpose.
The man may not have said it out loud, but he thought and Elizabeth chose to focus on that over everything else. She tried to tell her dad that he didn’t get to dictate her life when he was the man gave her a house to live in. It’s not like he can’t take that house back! They didn’t sign any paperwork and Elizabeth should remember that when she’s telling her father to back off. It was her father that was currently funding her lifestyle and so the least she could have done was try to make it up to him. He felt like he was wanted around and he’s been pulling away ever since. And so who knows what he’ll do when the baby is born and Andrei again tries to tell her family to back off while they’re the ones footing the bill – someone might even suggest Elizabeth bankrolling her own family.
Another couple that was putting up a pointless fight was Chantel and Pedro. With this couple, each side was almost placing their individual families before their marriage. Chantel and Pedro have been married three years now. They would normally be discussing children and Chantel said she wouldn’t have them as long as Pedro was fighting with her family. Her family has treated him like crap since almost the beginning because they had been fed a lie and with that one lie standing in the way they had no reason to believe in anything else Pedro told them. Like how much he loves Chantel and that he wasn’t using her for a green card. Her family just refused to believe in him and it resulted in there being hatred in his family for Chantel.
Chantel handled everything quite poorly. She couldn’t stand up to her parents and so that meant they just kept coming. They questioned everything Pedro did and they provoked Pedro which led to that physical altercation, and yet they were the ones that called the cops on Pedro and more or less wanted him deported. It was hard on Chantel because she loves her parents but she should have put her foot down with them and also put up some boundaries. Her family still wants her to divorce Pedro and Pedro’s family still want him to divorce her. The couple tried to stand against them all in the beginning and now it’s just wearing them both down. Pedro was going back to the Dominican Republic on a visit with his family and he didn’t want to bring Chantel because secretly there’s a part of him that wants to go and stay.
Then there’s also Nicole and Azan because surprisingly they’re still a thing. Nicole had to leave Morocco when she and Azan didn’t get married and now getting married is the problem. Before, they claimed they weren’t in a rush because they wanted to go into business together and in truth, he just took her money. There was never a store and, while some would consider that a warning sign, there were others like Nicole that were just desperate. She was desperate to believe herself in love that she was throwing good money away on a man that wasn’t worth it. Azan couldn’t make things work in his own country and he couldn’t make to South Korea where they thought they could live because he couldn’t enter the country. And now she’s talking about moving to Granada with him and her daughter.
Her father still hasn’t met Azan and so he asked if he could meet him in Granada. Nicole talked to her “fiancé” about this and Azan said he was nervous, but he said that as long as the man didn’t say anything bad to him that it’ll be okay and everyone knows the man is going to grill him. Nicole’s dad was bound to ask about the shop and where all that money went. He would also want to know if Azan was jerking his daughter around. Nicole still wants to be with him despite everything and she’s constantly coming with schemes for them to be together. Like moving to Granada! She was taking her daughter away from the only forms of stability this little girl has ever had and she was doing it to chase after a man that doesn’t want her. One day she will be judged for what that and who knows what she’ll say then.
This season has perhaps the most couples that don’t look like they’re going to make it. Jay and Ashley are one of those couples. They were barely married when Ashley found out he was texting other women behind her back and it imploded their relationship. Ashley is sure if she wants to stay married to him and unless she makes a decision about it, she doesn’t want to file for his green card. She told Jay as much and that has him worried. He didn’t care about cheating on her but his green card made things personal. Jay doesn’t understand why she needs time to think and it turns out he also has a jealous streak. He became jealous when he found out she met up with an ex-boyfriend for drinks and that she had been advised to divorce her husband. And right now she needed that because here’s a woman getting botox and hair extensions because her husband made her feel unlovable.
But Larissa wasn’t going to be deported. Her charges were dropped and despite finding her attorney very attractive she went back home to Colt. Colt also finally brought her flowers. He said that he was worried (yeah, right) and that he wanted her to feel better now that she wasn’t going to jail or be deported. Larissa could have taken him to task over his lies or how long it took him to get her flowers and she chose to just greet her husband. She later confessed that she was going to be the passive wife he wanted and she said she was work harder on her relationship Debbie. The same Debbie that was hoping she would get deported.
Pedro was also seeking a more permanent green card that wasn’t dependent on his marriage to Chantel but hearing him prepare for the worst has left Chantel confused because she doesn’t want to talk about a possible divorce.
Much less one that would leave her financially responsible for an ex-husband if such a divorce ever did occur.