Halo infinite multiplayer has been out for a while and the best thing is that it is free to play so anyone can grab it with the only obstacle being the specifications for the PC (if you are a PC player). Since the franchise is 20 years old many new players will encounter veterans of the series who have been playing the game for many years. So, here are tips that help beginners catch up with the veterans and slightly level the playing field for them.
1) Know the difference between different types of weapons
There are five types of weapons in Halo Infinite which are Kinetic, Plasma, Hardlight, Shock and Power. Knowing when to use which weapon is key to winnning gunfights in multiplayer. Every SPARTAN has two layers of defense, the first layer is the shield and the second layer is the armor
Kinetic weapons are mainly useful for causing damage to armor but are weak against shields. Kinetic weapons will do significantly less damage to shields, but they will tear through armor easily. It is an easy tip to remember that most Human weapons are Kinetic.
The complete opposites of Kinetic weapons are Plasma weapons. Plasma weapons easily tear through shields but struggle to tear through enemy armor. It is an easy tip to remember that Covenant weapons are Plasma weapons (With a few exceptions )
Hardlight weapons are very powerful but are hard to master. The heatwave has a special feature by which if you press the zoom key with change the direction of the spread of its shots between horizontal and vertical. It can also be noted that heatwave bullets bounce off surfaces. The Sentinal beam is a single beam that needs to be aimed carefully at opponents but causes heavy damage.
Shock Weapons are very effective against vehicles. Few shots from shock weapons can cause vehicles to be temporarily disabled which is especially useful against aircraft as they can be grounded making them easier to destroy. Shock weapons also cause damage over time to enemies themselves but are weak against them otherwise.
Power Weapons are extremely powerful weapons that spawn on specific parts of the. They are pretty rare so use them wisely and memorize the spawn spots. They mainly include anti-vehicle and melee weapons especially the gravity hammer which can act as both.
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2) The Needler, the plasma pistol and the Hydra
These three weapons deserve a category of their own since they each have their own unique quirks.
The needler is a plasma weapon but its specific quirk makes it extremely deadly with little to no need to tear through the armor. After a certain number of needler shots hit it explodes and this usually results in the instant death of the enemy in front of you
The easiest way to tear through an enemy shield is to overcharge the plasma pistol (hold fire button) to the max and fire it. This causes the enemy’s shields to be dropped to zero in a single shot. The best way to deal with enemies is to use a combination of both, using the plasma pistol to drop the shields and kinetic weapons to tear through armor, this age-old combination always works.
The Hydra is a weapon his on switches to lock-on mode after pressing the key for zoom. This allows it to lock on to a single enemy which makes sure that each shot that you fire afterward always hits them until they run out of your sight or behind cover.
3) Do not forget vehicles!
Vehicles are an important part of The Halo Infinite experience. Warthogs are especially useful in the capture the flag mode as you can get in one and quickly rush to the enemy flag, grab it and return it back to friendly territory before they know it’s even gone! Aerial vehicles can create a lot of nuisance for the enemy team as they are very hard to deal with unless one has shock weapons. They are fast and deadly and can be used for swift strafing runs on the enemies. If you get hold of a tank it can drastically switch the balance of the round to your side.
4) Plasma grenades are your best friends
If there is one type of grenade in the Halo series that people love and hate, it has got to be the plasma grenade. People love to be on the throwing side but not on the receiving end. While the other grenade types are good, there is nothing in the game that comes close to beating the plasma grenade. It deals extremely high damage and can stick to both enemies and vehicles. It is often the grenade best suited for destroying vehicles.
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5) Choose the best sensitivity for yourself
Finding the best sensitivity in a FPS game is very important and halo infinite is no exception. You won’t find the best sens for the game immediately but try experiment and trying newer sensitivity. There is no one way to find the best sensitivity, the right sensitivity for each player is unique and depends on many factors like the surface of play, type of grip, etc. It can only be found through trial and error
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